The following changes occurred between versions of the program:
4.8.0 (April 2024)
New features:
System- and user predefined material data can now be used in Design Function 3.1,
Alternating yield calculations according to NEN3650-2 can now be performed,
A first part of the notices generated in Design Functions 5, 6.1 and 6.2 now uses longer and more descriptive texts.
Corrosion allowance above 50% is now a severe warning instead of a stopping error,
3D visualisation reference value now correctly changes when displayed data is altered,
3D visualisation near kinks are now correctly drawn,
The program will now start in the current screen if it was closed on e.g. a no longer attached secondary monitor,
An error about illegal slack values is no longer suppressed by a more general soil inconsistency error,
Helpfile now properly clarifies how the maximum allowable rotation in joints works,
The schematical drawings of tees in the help file have been improved.
Using the tab button to move between text boxes for soil types now moves in the correct order,
Dropdown menus now open on shift-enter instead of enter,
Some cases where element labels and text in them were not properly aligned have been fixed,
Unnecessary horizontal scroll bar has been removed from the 3D Visualisation UI. UI is slightly nicer now as well,
When measuring distance in the 3D visualisation, the distance label now does not attach to any element labels,
Long names and help file have been adjusted for MaxRot columns in JOINTS and J-SDATA tables,
Information on the Reader functionality is now included in the help file,
Clarified tee wall thickness corrosion allowance in help file,
Project phase limitations have been better documented in the help file,
FREESPN helpfile page now has a link to the DYNAMPL page,
Reference to OUTDIAM and AIRWGHT tables have been removed from the helpfile,
Data description of table HYDROCO has been updated,
Changed all caps description in WAPROF table error description in the helpfile,
Some old logos throughout the program have been updated to a new colour,
In the program “top soil” and “sub soil” have been changed to “top-soil” and “sub-soil”,
“Multi-Graph” has been changed to “Multi graph” in the header of the Overview screen for Multi Graph.
Bugs fixed:
Soil wizard now correctly determines if joints on an identifier are vertical or not,
Soil wizard idents do not disappear anymore after deleting all soil profiles,
Program no longer crashes when quickly switching between soil wizard steps after deleting a soil type or profile,
Dialog box for deleting multiple soil profiles now has a cancel option. Context menu for Soil Wizard step 2 and 3 are more logical now,
Program does not crash anymore when inserting many new rows,
Mismatches between help file long names and table long names have been fixed,
Spelling mistakes in the PCF import section of the help file have been corrected.
4.7.2 (May 2023)
New feature:
Ple4Win Reader mode: project data can only be viewed and printed (and exported, depending on the licence)
Corrected storage of input data to avoid data loss
Improved undo-redo functionality to avoid concurrency errors
NEN version used with the Soil Wizard now reported in the Status table
Peat friction coefficient updated in soil wizard
Assignment of deadweight element data to nodes updated
Bugs fixed:
Soil wizard no longer crashes if polyline ends in tee connection
Soil wizard now continues to start up if unassignable profiles are found
Soil wizard now correctly stops if closed while profile is rotating
Switching away from the soil wizard while profile selection menu is shown no longer crashes the Locations Editor
Unavailable percentages in table SOILREA are no longer reported as -1000%
Databases in use can no longer be overwritten by Save As actions
Updating 4.7.0 or earlier projects no longer changes custom soil data
Updating old projects without Soil Wizard data no longer fails
Fixed some minor issues with single table / multitable Excel import
Fixed some minor issues with model options and norm selection
Unit tables in Excel files are no longer relevant, used or generated
Corrected references from helpfile to website locations
Corrected typos in the Help file, now consistent naming is used
4.7.1 (patch) (December 2022)
Bugs fixed:
An error in loading Design Function 1 data which prevented defining a parent database (for calculations in phases) and failed to show the project description has been fixed
Corrected an error detecting the decimal separator during import of PCF files if computer and file use different notations (e.g. a comma with the computer and a dot in the file)
4.7.1 (December 2022)
New features:
Soil Model Wizard now uses a redesigned importer from the main program, with improved step change-detection
Singlegraphs now show a vertical dotted line at the location of weak elements
DF4.1 (wave & current loadings) no longer uses tables AIRWGHT and OUTDIAM, uses deadweight and coatings instead
Ple4Win now uses a different installer and digitally signed files
PCF import now uses a better ident naming, now can handle multiple pipelines in one file, now can import multiple files belonging to a single project
Design Function 3 now uses longer, more descriptive notices
Updated soil wizard soil parameters to NEN 3650-1:2020
Soil model wizard and wave & current loadings calculation now use the outside diameter as defined by the COATING table
With wave and current loadings, deadweights defined in DF3.1 are now used instead of table AIRWGHT
Added reporting inner and outside pipe diameter in table PIPEDIM if coatings are specified
It is no longer possible to directly connect tee runs and/or branches with other tee runs and/or branches, at least one normal element must be present
Improved calculations of pipes with tees and deadweight
Improved feedback of soil model wizard in case of missing data
With mitre bends definitions, errors in segment length are better described (including length suggestion)
Improved feedback to user with deadweight calculations
Improved table behaviour if jumping to non-existing rows or element numbers
Improved docking behaviour of panes in the program
Docking indicators were added to aid user if panels are moved to a different position
Defined more keyboard shortcuts for the 3D visualisation
3D visualisation no longer shows bend indicators due to sharp angles in tees or joints
Old AIRWGHT and OUTDIAM data can be exported, but no longer imported, edited or copied from a secondary database
Improved handling of empty rows (at the end) during Excel import
Soil model wizard data in projects prior to version 4.2.0 can now be used
In the help file general errors, warnings and messages descriptions now are easier to find
In the soil model wizard help file information about the different norms/calculation methods is now easier to find
Soil model wizard no longer asks for a soil profile on a bend tangent point if there is no data change at that position
Soil model wizard now correctly handles soil profiles that are too short (not touching ground level and/or pipe bottom)
Soil model wizard no longer asks for a soil profile on an ex-inner pipe after removing the outer SiS pipe
Text of table header lines expanded and clarified
With wave and current loadings, the average water depth is now calculated using only the elements in water
With wave and current loadings, a warning is now given if elements in open water have soil parameters defined
All slack values are now removed on pipe sections without soil
With 3D visualisation, ‘zoom fit’ now also takes labels/info into account in orthogonal viewing mode
Updated auto-colour functionality with multigraphs
Status table now shows correct table information even if occurrence number is not yet known
Improved inserting default values into an input table while a cell is being edited
Updating of very old projects now preserves non-standard ASCII characters instead of turning them into question marks
Minor improvements to the user interface
Clarified error message if start and end of a section in table SECTION are the same node
Clarified help description on CSGEN’s RADIUS column
Updated help description on ELEMNTS’ TYPE column
Bugs fixed:
Non-stopping new-style error notices are now handled correctly
Corrected table testing rules for the DEADW table
Fixed bug where a service necessary for the dongle did not start after install
Corrected situation where tee-related error E500/T1 was reported in a project without tees
Overwriting existing multiprint definitions no longer crashes the program
Corrected an error if switching between calculation norms more than once
Corrected deadweight calculation if underwater weight is defined and is removed in a later stage
Corrected situation where wrong errors (e.g. zero polygon length and 180 degree bend) were reported with pipes with joints
Boundary condition node with double condition is now correctly reported even in uncommon configurations
Settlement line in 3D visualisation is no longer drawn where settlements are undefined
Corrected situation in 3D visualisation when trying to colourise pipeline with data containing error indicators
Minor bugs fixed that could occur during import of soil model wizard data from the main program
Corrected deadweight calculation for vertical pipes through water level
Corrected dynamic weight calculations for wave and currents loadings
A warning is now generated if (part of) the pipeline is below water level and no underwater weight is defined
With the soil model wizard, the origin arrow is now drawn at the correct z-value, not at z=0 anymore
Fixed issue where too many errors and too little table status info were generated having slack values without top-soil
Improved handling of acceptable/not acceptable combinations of zero and non-zero soil values
Fixed bug where NOTICES table was corrupted if soil values were changed after soil model wizard usage
Improved warning if COATING weight data is ignored
Corrected texts in check for new version functionality
Corrected some minor drawing glitches in DF1 overview panel
Corrected some minor drawing glitches in Multi Table dialog panels
The help file has been updated to the new code E0 for the general/Excel import & export module
4.7.0 (July 2021)
New features:
PCF file format import
Automatic deadweight calculations, including pipeline coatings
Design Function 4 now uses longer, more descriptive notices
Auto-check for new program versions added
Soil Wizard now uses NEN 3650-1:2020
DEADW table layout changed to allow step changes and below water weight simultaneous
As default, projects options are now set to geometry non-linear calculations
With NEN3650 calculations, elements of inner pipe in e.g. SiS sections are now considered secondary
Joints are now allowed in offshore/underwater pipe sections
Pipe elements in soil and above water are no longer considered when calculating average water depth in the Wave / Current design function
The maximum allowed value for Poisson’s ratios in table ANTROP has been increased to 1.1 (product must still be below 1.0)
Program now warns if in Design Function 6.2 not all elements are calculated or if both elements with and without topload are calculated
On single graphs of additional output tables in Design Function 6.2 the element number in question is now reported
When changing the Long – Short names option both the overview pane and the workspace pane are now refreshed to reflect the change
With the Soil Wizard, the position of the soil profile editor form is now centred on the soil wizard form itself
Design Function 1 now correctly reports the last time the project has been saved/changed
Graphs of non-node/element based tables are now blocked by disabling the appropriate menu items
Updated help file with information about how to easily define where soil is present or not
Help file description of joints behaviour has been extended
Improved help file description of ‘Section Model’-option
Clarified program behaviour with Mitre Bends and the Section Model option in the help file
Program now correctly distinguishes between warnings for leaking joints and joints reaching their stop
Clarified error message is given if user tries to define a joint beyond a weak element
A warning is now given when range of supports crosses a weak element
Clarified error messages for not correctly named connects
Obsolete UNITS table is no longer part of the Excel template and is no longer imported if encountered
Upgrading old projects no longer leads to table status errors with new tables
Detection of elements with and without soil in Design Function 4.1 now is more in line with that in Design Function 3.2
With Design Function 1 the workspace panel is now always collapsed correctly
Keeping workspace panels open did not always work reliable, corrected
Column header information now is correct when exporting to Excel after a switch between long and short names
Auto-toggle with Excel input now also works if column name contains a delta character
Bugs fixed:
Branch nodes without soil assignment could lead to matrix singularity during calculations, corrected
Corrected situation where using the quickfill-functionality in an input data table could lead to a corrupt database
Prevented program crash which could occur during iteration in Design Function 6.2
Showing 3D Visualisation prior to using Soil Wizard no longer leads to Soil Wizard failure
Copy-and-paste now also handles columns that are outside the visible window correctly
Trying to show maxima or minima in POLYDIF table no longer crashes the program
With NEN3650 calculations, corrected a situation where detection primary elements across tees was incorrect
Corrected multi-table Excel import to import all columns even if using long names
Program could not handle situation where PIPES table contained data and the J module was missing, corrected
Corrected situation where the program could crash if the first element of the project had slack
Ple4Win no longer crashes with a “Pipeline Engineering for Windows has stopped working”-message if the licence has expired
Partially overlapping disturbing members in Design Function 4.1 are now correctly reported as an error
Fixed an issue where very old soil wizard data could not be used after updating project
Messages are now always correctly purged from the NOTICES table if applicable
Clarified errors that might occur with support (with length) creation failure
Updated errors if additional idents could not be placed correctly
Corrected matrix singularity during calculation
Corrected incorrect message numbering in Design Function 5, especially M500/7
Button ‘Set Back up to this function’ is now available again after processing the whole data
Switching the table view in the pipeline 3D overview could cause Ple4Win to crash, corrected
Table names containing the &-character now no longer show it twice
Corrected situation that SiS section data could remain in a project where SiS input data was removed
Wave/current forces are no longer applied to SiS inner pipe elements
3D visualisation no longer crashes if switching from ‘Pipeline graphical representation’ to ‘Pipeline graphical representation’
In Design Function 4.1 weak elements with length zero no longer lead to undocumented error messages
Ident orientated tables from secondary database can no longer be sent to multi graph definitions
The long name of the NOTICES table now is consistent everywhere
4.6.1 (patch) (March 2020)
Bugs fixed:
Soil Wizard now handles (step) changes in soil profile correctly if WEAK elements are present
Excel (multi) import no longer incidentally drops column data
Fixed situations where auto-toggle with Excel input did not work correctly
4.6.1 (February 2020)
WARNING table replaced by NOTICES table
With branches of tees it is now taken into account that part of the branch element is inside the run of the tee and therefore not subject to soil-related loads
Element-based data representation improved in SingleGraph and MultiGraph, introduced separate node and element x-axes
Single table Excel import now does select appropriate sheet (if available)
Speed improvements with import of (large) Excel tables
Improved selection speed of multiple/all rows in a table
Improved speed of copying content of large tables to the clipboard
Improved detection of multi-cell data during Paste-action to avoid pasting data of multiple calls into one single cell
After exporting a single table to Excel, the user is now asked whether to open that file (as with multi-table export)
Soil Wizard now handles step-changes in soil profile and/or diameter correctly
Updated soil modelling wizard to NEN 3650-1+C1:2017
Improved (re)drawing the schematics of the pipeline
Keyboard shortcuts updated, see the help file
‘Jump to a specific NODE/ELEM’-button added to the toolbar
With non-node/element tables, graphs can now also be drawn with only one column selected
More instances added where an empty cell equals zero value, such as ΔAX-L-columns or in the LOCASE/LOADSET table
Better and more obvious reporting if in DF5 the iteration criterion is not satisfied
Default number of iterations in GEOMCTL increased to 150
Status bar text is updated more often in time-consuming actions
Improved stopping and aborting during long calculations
Implosion of elements now reported in table E-LOAD (error E500/16)
Improved axial buckling checking
Mitre bend calculations improved (mainly reporting)
Better reporting of DF5 redistribution usage
Added a warning if all hydrodynamic force coefficients are zero for submerged pipeline section(s)
Clarified long name and description of table B-REDIS
Special tables exported to Excel (Status, Notices) no longer have an empty row between header and data
Importing (single) table toggles the table according to the Excel contents, even if a double-toggle-column table
Warning added that mitrebends are calculated with isotropic material if using an-isotropic materials
Improved checking whether branch diameter is larger than run diameter in a tee
Updated undocumented messages
Clarified usage of ‘bend parameter’, ‘flexibility characteristic’ and ‘lambda’
Textual improvements in program UI, messages and help file
Bugs fixed:
Fixed occasional error when opening an output table
Fixed database concurrency error during undo/redo actions
Ident names in IDENTS table are no longer reported in lowercase
Fixed several bugs and imperfections with pasting data from clipboard to data table
Pasting data into a table without rows no longer fails
Data table’s column id/row number could be changed in special conditions, corrected
Previous version of data in POLYDIF sometimes unavailable after error in DF2, corrected
Corrected error during insertion of default data in red fields in an input table
In the soil modelling wizard, a custom soil type could not always be deleted, fixed
Fixed profile assignment bug with SiS sections starting point in the soil modelling wizard
Ground and water levels are not always correctly drawn in 3D visualisation, corrected
Labels in the 3D visualisation are now correctly grouped and positioned even if pipe dimensions are small
Corrected erroneous DF status when switching to material non-linear calculations
Incorrect warning W620/5 no longer given
Fixed bug occurring while checking joints in DF6.1
Bug-fix in DF2 while checking for a maximum of 30 000 nodes
TEESPEC without D-RUN and D-BRN did not always take diameters from table DIAM, corrected
4.6.0 (May 2019)
New features:
Ovalisations redistribution added to Design Function 5
Added columns to CEPSM/CEPS output tables showing extreme compressive strain per element
Buckling percentage columns to tables RDPLMAX, RDISPLC, RMAXNEN and RDPLNEN
Added option to be able to export the stress-strain values to Excel
Show expiration date of rental licence in “About”-screen
Click-and-drag now selects multiple cells in a data table
Importing a single table now does toggle the table according to the Excel contents
With copy from sec.db. unavailable input tables are no longer copied
Program’s response to stopping/aborting calculations improved
When setting back a design function, opened input tables are remembered
Tables ITMON and ITCHECKS now become “with warning” if iteration criterion is not satisfied
Input tables with status “Data with Warning/Errors” now show error on opening
Contents of TYPE-column in ELEMNTS table is now singular case
Empty REFIDENT in tables SISPRC, PIPES, SUPPORT and ADIDENT are now allowed
Updated column longnames/tooltips of table ADDSUP
Allow pasting clipboard data into more than 1 table grid cell
Allow user to select contrast in colours used in e.g. the grid
Meta-information is no longer visible when copying to clipboard
Keep visualisations when switching design functions
With very long pipelines the 3D visualisation now automatically starts in centreline-view
Right-click on an element in 3D visualisation no longer gives (unwanted) element labels
Increased illumination in 3D visualisation enhanced
Improved support and settings for non-compatible graphics cards
MultiGraph now uses relative paths with non-primary curves
SingleGraph and MultiGraph y-axes are now shown and printed in the same sequence
PipeDraw’s zoom box labels now reflect choice of x and y-axis
Clarified warning for missing needed data for the soil wizard
Improved axial buckling checking
Large extreme KLH/(KLT,KLS) or RH/(RVT,RVS) ratio warnings removed
Help file now explains all coordinate systems used by the program
Add information about ideal bend radius/segment length for single-kink mitre bends to help file
Improved description of “open” endpoints
Pasting data to a selected cell range/selection of rows improved
Improved visibility of selected min/max cells in data table
No error any more if declaring multiple KLH values on the same node
Using space as thousands separator is now possible
Improved removing distance labels and/or element labels in 3D visualisation
Soil Wizard no longer shows tangent points of mitre bend
Zoom with SingleGraphs is now possible also for very small (< ca. 1.E-6) maximum values
Design Functions 6.1 & 6.2 are no longer processed if module S is missing
Improved iteration convergence control with upheaval buckling to avoid iteration failure
Further improved ovalisations orientation in bends/due to bending
Extreme plastic redistribution now correctly reported in DF6.2
Improved error reporting with mitre bends design
Program now warns if kink angle or R/r ratio is unacceptable for mitre bends calculations
Improved placing of additional idents
Added and clarified SiS-related warnings
Documented and clarified error message E610/ST “Instability addcros”
Bugs fixed:
Multigraph additional info is now correctly saved
Mitre bends kink angle is no longer reported as unreadable string
∆X-N and ∆Y-N column shortnames in POLYDIF table updated
SISPRC, PIPES, SUPPORT and ADIDENT toggle column ∆AX-L instead of AX-L
“Key Down” in an editable table no longer crashes the program
Errors setting table status “Missing Data” corrected
Circumferential data of last calculated element can now be shown in 3D visualisation
Corrected StackOverflowException with 3D visualisation in special cases
Corrected 3D visualisation side menu items placement
Corrected InvalidOperationException in 3D visualisation when switching data
Corrected missing vertical element in bend with odd elements in 3D visualisation
Saved Visualisation settings & soil wizard settings are now again imported with 2nd import option
Soil Wizard no longer crashes with specific (Intel) graphics adapters
No more unhandled exception if closing program while starting up
Data in Design Functions 5 & 6.1 soil tables is now ignored if Design Function 3.2 has no soil
Design Function 3.2 status can become data locked even if all input tables are empty, corrected
Switching Design Functions during calculations no longer disables the Stop-button
Add Ident now places the ident on the right place
Fixed error in material non-linear ductile projects with very small plasticities
Now a correct error message for supports out of pipe is generated
Fixed reporting on non-linear material behaviour of anisotropic material
Additional Ident (with Δ Node or Δ Elem) after end of pipe now correctly reported
Corrected excessive error reporting on having an unknown ident in the CONNECT table
Corrected E410/8 error Wave-height / Sea-depth ratio
ACCEL calculations for table VELACC corrected
Corrected input table conditions in Wave / Current Loading
Fixed bug with overlapping tee and support with length
Corrected error in reporting joint rotations in table DISPJNT
Solved internal error if too many elements are defined in SECTION
Double-clicking a project on a network location did not correctly start the program
Help file mentioned node numbers in combination with polygon points
Help file described that the secondary database could not have the same name as the primary database
Usage data was corrupted if Ple4Win was started with expired dongle
4.3.0 (patch) (December 2014)
Major improvements:
Tee calculations have been updated to take the number of design displacement cycles into account in specific situations
Minor improvements:
Excel 2007+ import improved
Projects on a network location are now opened if double clicked
Textual changes in the Help file
4.3.0 (November 2014)
Major improvements:
The Visualisation Module (X1) is officially released
Process project up to function X.Y
Calculation for Tee’s adapted to NEN-EN13480
Export to and import from XLSX
Ovalisation redistribution is improved
Minor improvements:
Changed GUI to make it DPI independant
Average diameter is now used in calculating the Hoop stress in General mode
Soil Wizard – View cube added
Subsidence outside the pipeline now reports a warning
Descriptive enumeration texts are used when copy/paste to Excel
If a project has options not allowed by the current module configuration, setting back is improved
Looks and usage of panels in Ple4Win is improved
Ending action error with anisotropic material and non-General Analysis type is improved
Reference line in SingleGraph is now always visible
Textual changes and Helpfile improvements (a.o. description of the local coordinate system of joints, description of SWEIGH factors to be used for anisotropic and plastic materials, description of PX-A and PY-A, description of right T-REF and T-ABS in phase calculations)
Bugs fixed:
No memory leak while printing
Corrected issue in phase run with settlements and infinite end points
Handling copied project parent from 2nd database is improved
Ple4Win now can handle a connect group with more than 2 nodes
Soil Profile Layers in the Soil Profile Editor are now drawn taking into account the length unit specified by the user
Soil layers are drawn correctly when length dimension is meters
Undefined uncertainty factors in SETX/Y/Z tables now handled correctly
With a printed table, the number(s) following the “E”-notation no longer disappear sometimes
User response required: “Redistribution on? (y/n)” without possibility to answer is corrected
Erroneous message “Mod. u missing, can’t calc. flexsect” now handled correctly
After ‘Save As’ the History/Status/Warning table buttons are no longer disabled
The dongle problem if the user.config file is missing is resolved
Status table data is extended with ‘Units’ and ‘Separators’
Clear all data’ in Multi graph now deletes all data indeed
After a ‘Process all’ via the Roadmap DF1 is refreshed
The .NET framework error when installing Ple4Win on a Windows 7 computer is resolved
Importing from Excel into a LOCKED input table is no longer possible
After processing DF1, the analysis type is now disabled correctly
Multi graph can handle two identical project names
Parent project can be opened as secondary project
After DF5 calculation stop, table groups can be read
Option ‘Soil Ring-Stiffening’ with NEN 3650-2 also selects ‘Limited Bend Angle’ and ‘Ovalising Section Model’ (when module Q is available)
At least 2 soil iterations are performed to determine the correct angle of the soil reaction
Using the = and ” sign in a locked input table is no longer possible
Roadmap is always fully visible
Thousand separator is implemented
“About Ple4Win” form has become a modal form
Educational version now reports a clear message if a professional project is opened
4.2.3 (June 2013)
Bugs fixed:
Erroneous reporting of Project phase in table Status has been improved
Ovalisation redistribution of non-horizontal pipeline elements has been corrected
Errors occurred when drawing data from one or more secondary databases in Multi-Graph solved
Number format errors reported when exporting tables to Excel have been corrected
Peak values in a Single-Graph are no longer too high after Copy – Paste from Ple4Win to Word
When starting Ple4Win for a second time simultaneously, a correct error message is given now
If in table SECTION the S-ALLOW field has been filled, a correct message is given now in case of exceedance of the specified allowable stress
Non-printable and invisible characters in an IDENT do not occur any more
If Ple4Win has been installed under a Windows 7 SP1 (x64) operating system, Ple4Win does correctly start now when one double clicks with the mouse on a project file (.plex)
Sequence of stress and strain output tables has been changed; important check tables moved upward
Detailed stress tables moved to the additional output table space
Unclear descriptions of Model options improved
Screen shots related to the CmDongle in the Help file are updated
Zero Slack values are not possible, an error message will be given
Some (error) messages have been made official and are clarified in the Help file
The Help file has been extended with descriptions and links between program Model options and required Program Modules
A single click is sufficient now to open a table
4.2.2 (December 2012)
Bugs fixed:
The axial buckling strain is calculated now when the NEN 3650 option has been selected. If the critical buckling strain is exceeded, a Warning is given
Belgian Law with unselected ‘Include Wallbend-Stresses’ will set the option selected after calculation
Adding user-defined group in DF2 is now available
Issue when adding a curve from secondary database to MGraph is solved
Module link is corrected to enable calculations according to ASME B31.8
Options of ‘Order by’ in Multi Table layout are working correctly now
Issues with scientific and engineering format are solved
Calculation of axial buckling strain corrected
Conversion of tables F and RH is now correct
Improve calculation of m for KLS trenchless
Soil Model Wizard is updated to comply with NEN3650-1:2012
Module NEN 3650 is updated to comply with NEN3650-2:2012
An indication of the location(s) where overlap of supports occurred is now provided
Columns CFA and CFH in the tables F and RH have been split into 2 columns to provide a jump in the friction factors
Numbers in the first two columns of tables LENGTH and BENDFAC have been replaced by Idents
Unclear Errors, Warnings and Messages have been updated
4.2.1 (July 2012)
Bugs fixed:
Multi-table print of extrema’s only
Corrected material non-linear calculations on horizontal bends with vertical soil reaction
DF3.2 now shows the correct status icon if processed without soil data, soil data table status is now also correct
Setting back DF1 (also through roadmap) adjusts project settings, if necessary
Unavailable tables no longer suddenly become ‘conditional’ or ‘optional’
Multi-table print/export sequence is now correct even if some steps are skipped
Primary elements status is now given correctly (‘free’ and ‘in soil’ were exchanged)
Output tables sometimes had status ‘missing data’, corrected
Unknown status of DF32 after importing all tables from a secondary database
Several typos in the GUI and help file corrected
Save and load of window layout now works
Changes in DF1 and in the MGraph setup screen now correctly set the internal “data has changed”-indicator
If a copy of a predefined soil type is saved in the Soil Wizard, the ‘mu compressed’-parameter is now saved correctly
Output tables are no longer ‘unavailable’, even if the corresponding program module is absent
Solved internal bug which corrupted the connections-data when determining primary elements
Multi-Graphs with data from multiple secondary databases now finds all data
Importing form an Excel file with a single quote (‘) in either path or file name is now possible
Large redistributions due to material non-linear calculations resulted in unrealistic deformations and stresses, corrected
With material non-linear calculations, tee’s In DF 6 are now correctly calculated (linear)
Distorted table layout in an exported table layout fixed
No more error when using single quote (‘) as Multi Graph definition
Option “Ask for confirmation when deleting a table (row)” now works correctly
Tables that cannot be used because of a missing program module are now shown as ‘unavailable’
Content of status-table has been updated/corrected
Version information for the legacy DLL is now consistent
While exporting data to Excel, data formatting is no longer applied in a way that lead to rounding errors
Typos in help file are corrected
Corrected situation where write statements during multithreading could lead to conflicts
Setting back a design function sometimes enabled one or more model options (which should not be possible using the selected analysis type), fixed
Sometimes file “user.config” was missing after installation and triggered the repair mode. Program will now start without repair
Overview-panel was not (correctly) refreshed after processing a project, fixed
Using elastic bends without the geometry non-linear module resulted in a unreadable group name, corrected
Deleting last table row results in error and deleting multiple rows from table was not working correctly, are fixed
Occasionally, a saved project file is corrupt
4.2.0 (March 2012)
Major modifications:
Soil Modelling Wizard (module X0) now also allows calculations according to NEN3650:2003
It is now possible to restore previous versions of an input table
Untested tables are now automatically tested before a DF is calculated
Numbers in tables can now also be shown in scientific or engineering notation
Single compressed project file (*.plex)
Speed improvements with loading Soil Wizard, table panes, DF overview panes, Multi Graphs and importing tables from secondary database
Program options in a separate, tabbed window
Recent projects in File Menu is now available
It is now possible to override the OS’s choice of the decimal separator
AutoRecovery functionality with pipeline projects
Minor modifications:
Complete rewrite of internal error handling code prevents program crashes
Multi Graph definitions now can be copied
If exporting to Excel, a default Excel filename is now given
Setback of DF5/DF6.2 after unlock is now possible
A warning is now added to the WARNINGS table if wizard-generated soil data is changed by the user afterwards
If curves are added to a Multi Graph definition, x-axes are now automatically linked as much as possible
The program now remembers its last size and position on screen
Program now asks if user wants to open the just created Multi Table Excel file
Saving a project without closing it is now possible
Project file backups (*.bk*, *.pleb) can now be used as secondary databases
Read-only project files can now be accessed (from e.g. CD-ROM)
If a (print/clipboard) button has right-click functionality, a down-arrow is now shown
Copying multiple cells or cell ranges from a table using copy-and-paste is now possible
About-screen now has a button/link to module explanations in the help file
Updated iteration process in DF6.1, now shows found disequilibrium if solution cannot be found
Reordering of columns in a table is no longer possible as it has no added value
Corrected calculations on horizontal bends with vertical soil reaction
The “All Zero” and “One Value” indicators are no longer shown by default
A DF’s output tables are now automatically shown after a calculation failure (if data is available)
Bugs fixed:
Corrected bug where tables sometimes became unavailable (e.g. TOPLOAD)
Table occurrence was not always correctly updated
Tables now show an ID column with correct line numbering (start at 1, increase by 1)
If a table is toggled, the column width of the toggle column is now recalculated
Table’s column widths were not always automatically calculated correctly
After inserting default values in a table, the new data is correctly stored
Zoom-by-mouse now shows the correct selected zoom area
Overview panel now avoids scrollbars as much as possible
If a data table has the status ‘data with warnings’, the DF now also has the status ‘warnings’
Ple4Win does not force itself to the foreground that much during start-up
If the Soil Wizard or the Multi Table Tool is running, the task bar does not show 2 Ple4Win icons any more
Importing Soil Wizard data from the secondary database no longer overwrites pre-defined data
Fixed table’s column selection
Soil Wizard generated data is now truncated to 5 significant digits
Now changing the values of Pipe Draw’s zoom boxes does lead to a zoom change
Corrected “Wrong program for this calculation”-error
Fixed error switching design function when last edited cell is drop-down list
Sometimes the row numbering of an input table was still incorrect, fixed again
“Empty all cells” now also works with the last row of a table
“Wait on errors” did not always result in actually waiting for user action
Some errors did not change an input table’s status to ‘error’, corrected
Removed incidental generation of fort.11 and fort.41 files
Updating old projects sometimes lead to ‘?’ in header’s unit line
Fixed bug that lead to blinking area above a dropped-down message line
Fixed unhandled errors which could occur during initialisation
Updated calculation of column widths while opening an empty table
Updated calculation of column widths during printing
Corrected StreamWriter exception which could occur if tracing was enabled
Corrected distorted logo in version details window
If inserting multiple rows in a table, these are now inserted as a single, continuous block
<Ctrl-X> is “cut”, <Ctrl-Shift-X> is “delete row”
If inserting a row in a table, it scrolled to the top, now scrolls to inserted row
Fixed program crash during close after severe calculation error
Updated calculation of DF1’s roadmap status (Educational version)
Corrected mix-up of ellipse- or fixed table support type
Corrected calculation of reaction forces with phasing calculations
Sometimes during printing of shortened numbers, a digit is missing
Fixed error copying Multi Table definitions from the secondary database
Fixed truncated messages on the message line in DF 5
Now in the About-window all available program modules are shown again
During import of table data from Excel, predefined names are now always recognized (case-insensitive)
Fixed bug which lead to program crash when opening and closing Multi Graph windows rapidly
Help file text errors fixed
Description of W200/7 updated
Error with warning trap and stopping a DF corrected
Fixed bug while zooming in on a Single Graph containing WEAK elements
Output tables containing data but not an occurrence number are now shown
STATUS table now also shows individual table’s status Table and DF occurrences were not correctly calculated and stored, corrected
Fixed cross-thread exception which could occur during usage of the Multi Table print
Importing an empty fixed-length table from a secondary database lead to an error, fixed
Read/write error to internal table ELEG fixed
Fixed error that allowed ovalisation calculations without redistribution
Ovalisation without redistribution now leads to an error message
Prevent starting calculating of a DF while setbacking it at the same time, which lead to a program crash
Corrected primary elements during NEN3650 calculations
Updated handling of rental hardware keys to prevent the program to access the internet, if desired
Tooltip text errors fixed
Project with joints gives different results if recalculating of DF5 after unlocking that DF
If selecting tables in the Multi Table print list, it often scrolled uncontrollably
History table sometimes was not visible in the Multi Table print list
Corrected wizard crash if a setting was changed and the change then was cancelled
Fixed crash in Soil Wizard which sometimes occurred during double-clicking on a profile
Corrected help-texts with tables not requiring data to be in increasing location sequence
During import of table data from Excel, ident and reference names are now checked for their length (< 9 characters)
Improved iteration with material non-linear calculations with very small ovalisations
Multiple occurrences of warnings W500/24 en M500/6 are now combined
Options ‘Pipe on Soil’ and ‘Pipe in Sand’ are now stored correctly
Corrected settlement interpolation if settlement is zero and uncertainty is undefined/0
Program could crash if closing project while Multi Graph data pane was visible, fixed
Error on importing 4.0.x-projects corrected
Program crash after encountering unknown idents in DF2 fixed
Corrected warning message text shown if user tries to open the Warnings-table while calculating
Program wouldn’t close if started with an expired licence, now exits gracefully
Clarified messages shown if in a project with joints a solution cannot be found
Rewrite of DF5’s friction calculation routine FRICTN
Corrected help file data description of table ITCHECS
Message typos corrected
Corrected scripting error in help file with table SIGEPS
Fixed Soil Wizard crash if last element crosses the waterline
Corrected table cell behaviour where ‘+’ is accepted as 0, but ‘-‘ is not
Clarified ADDSUP’s data description in the help file
Updated help description on column “Sp/0.91ReT-M” in NENSMAX and NENSTRS
Updated Windows version check in setup file
Dashed line styles are now shown correctly, and also shown in the legend
Multi Graph legend now also shows secondary database name, if applicable
The program expiration warning now can be disabled permanently
Fixed undo zoom in Polar Graph that could lead to program crash
Project files descriptions in Windows Explorer expanded and clarified
Generation and usage of backup-files is now as user expects
If starting with an inactive key, the program no longer hangs
Fixed error which occurred if unknown idents are used in ENDPTS and SOILNB table
Program now stops faster if DF6.2 (NEN) is stopped prematurely
Zoom using mouse if shown y-axis range was zero is now enabled
Fixed bug where an extra column was added if cutting-and-pasting table data from Ple4Win to Excel
Corrected calculation of DF3’s summary status
InternetAccess.exe updated, now also works with Windows 7
Fixed bug when copying a full database
Error messages E200/ER and M200/S* updated
Fixed error “Read table … after creation”
Updated state-button handling with data tables
Sometimes the wrong iteration type was reported in ITCHECS, corrected
Exactly click on checkbox in Multi Table: Print, was required, now click on text also works
Fixed print bug when table fits exactly on page, an additional table header on the next page was added
With Project324, the output path now remains unchanged if another input file is selected
Project324 now saves the path of input and output folders separately
It is now possible to directly edit the path & filename of the input/output files in Project324
Project324: internal conversion error corrected
4.1.2 (March 2010)
Major modifications:
Soil Model Wizard (module X0) is officially released
Multi Table Tool replaces tables-tree for printing, import and export to Excel
Multi Table definitions can be saved/loaded
Main window menu bar is restructured
Compatible with Windows OS’s 32 bit & 64 bit versions
Minor modifications:
Wizard and Multi Table data is now also copied if all project input data is copied from secondary database to primary
The first column of a data table shows the row number when not in test mode
If any DF 1 to DF 3.1 has been re-calculated after running the Soil Wizard, a warning is given when processing DF 3.2
It is now also possible to duplicate or rename Multi Graph definitions
In the Multi Graph definition screen, the sequence of user actions has been changed to ‘first click button, then change name’
Bugs fixed:
Fixed some typos in the help file [803]
Fixed malbehaviour when double clicking specific regions [807]
Stopping the calculation process is more robust [810]
Fixed issues concerning import from Excel files [814]
Added checks to ensure an increasing ID numbering [815]
Copy item in table menu now remains active for locked tables [818]
A clear message is now shown when exceeding the input table limit [821]
Fixed omission in DF status when locked with warnings [822]
Fixed problem with pasting into cell having a drop-down list [840]
Table row deletion does no longer fail if no row is selected before deletion [852], [862]
Table can now not be closed while containing invalid data [856]
A clear message is now shown when starting Project324 without hardware key [863]
Changed maximum input length of MATBRN in table TEESPEC from 7 to 8 characters (same as MATREF) [865]
Fixed bug when using single quote (‘) in project/directory name [871]
Fixed “Event log file is full” issue when using Soil Model Wizard [886]
Fixed mal behaviour when processing a table while the program is still busy testing the table [891]
Fixed printing/copy to clipboard of Single Graph with linked y-axes
4.1.1 (patch) (November 2009)
Bugs fixed:
In table SLACK, now lateral slack values must be either all zero or all non-zero
Corrected axial and lateral joint rotation output in joint displacements (DISPJNT) table
Changed error handling in DF2 to prevent program crash on calculation error
When the Warning table has never been opened, the table was not available in the Multi Table selection tree, corrected
In table JOINTS (column TYPE) the option “Hinge” was not recognized as valid choice, corrected
If rows of a tested/set backed table are deleted or cleared, the table status now correctly changes
Clearing a row in a table after deleting another row in the same table removed data at the wrong row, corrected
During export to XLS file, column formatting no longer reduces numbers to integers (no fraction visible)
Now strips additional characters added by Excel if copying cell data from a XLS-file
Polar graphs are now scaled correctly if only positive or negative values are present
Project324 now correctly converts all PLE-micro-CAD projects to Ple4Win projects
Soil Wizard data was missing in ‘Road Crossing’ project, added
4.1.1 (September 2009)
Minor modifications:
Setup changed to allow users with firewall problems to prevent Ple4Win to access the internet
Polar graph plots now default scale to have the zero value-ring between minimum- and maximum ring
Improved iteration when calculating non-linear, plastic deformations in DF6.2
In design function 3.1, when using tees, branch & run length now are allowed to be down to 0.5 the run / branch diameter
When a new project is saved for the first time, the backup files are exact copies of the project files
Bugs fixed:
Access to program- and project-files is now ensured even if path or filename contains unusual characters
Multi-table export to Excel now without errors (unrecognizable numbers, invisible numbers, ‘number formats lost’-warning)
Trying to import no tables at all from an Excel-file no longer crashes the program
Leaving the Multigraph data panel while changing the set name no longer leads to an infinite loop
Clicking outside a Multigraph data grid while the active cell has illegal data no longer results in an endless loop of messages
Polar graphs can again be copied to clipboard or printed
Polar graphs legend coloured lines now have correct length
Polar graphs first curve uses solid fills for clipboard /printing to avoid drawing errors
The available program modules are now shown correctly, even if these are stored in multiple hardware key entries
If the WARNING table has data from a previous run, it is now shown immediately in the multi-tree view
Help file now shows correct screenshots for hardware key update
Corrected data in table GROUPS in ‘Road Crossing’ and ‘A first Test’ projects
4.1.0 (August 2009)
Major modifications:
Addition of the Soil Model Wizard (module X0).
Cut, copy & paste between tables and to/from external programs such as Microsoft Excel.
With printing or exporting MultiGraph plots a new, clearer legend is now generated.
With SingleGraph plots, Y-axes are linked/combined if possible.
Minor modifications:
Multiple textual changes to clarify program messages & warnings.
Updated several keyboard shortcuts.
Increased time tooltips are visible.
Tables with few columns do not stretch these to fill available screen width any more.
Table columns’ width is now correctly calculated based on data and header width.
Table texts are now shown with numbers right-aligned, texts left-aligned.
Numbers in locked/output tables are now shown in a selectable resolution.
With numbers in locked/output tables, the point of change to E-format can also be selected.
With numbers in input tables, excessive whitespace during input of numbers is now handled correctly.
Input tables are no longer reformatted if locking a DF.
When exporting table data, the way numbers are formatted is also exported.
With axes, now always draw min/max tick.
With y-axes, a reference-tick mark is now shown on the right side of the y-axis.
With graphs, added colour black.
With SingleGraph plots, take into account whether table shows a group or not.
With SingleGraph plots & pipeline drawings, hitting <Enter> while filling an entry field applies the data immediately.
With SingleGraph plots & pipeline drawings, clearing an entry field now implies using default/original value.
Detect and warn with read-only files.
When saving projects with a new name (Save As), allow overwrite of existing files.
Updated file handling to allow reopening a project database immediately after closing it.
Improved project’s Model Option rules.
Help files are no longer always on top of the application.
Showing ‘ShortNames’ and using PLE3-style keyboard shortcuts are now separate options.
With ASME 31.8-projects, the “Watertest”-option has been removed (obsolete).
Bugs fixed:
Correctly draw/scale axes with pipeline drawing
Correctly resize drawing on 1st show of a pipeline drawing
Supports in pipeline drawing are no longer drawn with displaced pipeline
Supports in pipeline drawing are now drawn exactly at node position
With SingleGraph plots, correctly handle graphs with ‘holes’ if x-axis is not nodes or elements
With printing/exporting MultiGraphs, no longer only the 1st line is printed if the description is multi-line
When drawing “boxed” lines, a single line is now drawn if a single data point is surrounded by NaN’s
When exporting Single/MultiGraphs, minus-sign in y-axes is no longer missing
Prevent program crash if clearing a table with no rows
Prevent program crash if trying to leave data row while current cell data is invalid
Cells containing errors in output table no longer show a NaN-value
After leaving a data cell in a table, update the table’s status immediately
If editing a data cell and inserting default data, the data cell is no longer cleared/overwritten
Numbers in table columns too narrow to show all digits are now truncated correctly
Table status no longer changes from ’empty’ to ‘data’ by simply toggling the table
With DF panels, fast clicks on the scrollbar are no longer interpreted as double-clicks
With DF panels, scrolling of the grid is prevented while double-clicking on a partial visible row
Prevent scroll-up/down of partly visible grids
After calculating a DF with no input data, its status is now shown correctly if output data was generated
While closing the program, any unsaved changes to visible table(s) are now saved correctly
Correctly reset main toolbar & roadmap after closing project database
If the panels layout is restored to default, now also the heights of the workspace & overview panes are adjusted
Messages in the message-panel or in the WARNING-table are no longer missing spaces between words
With import from a secondary database, now tables with the “empty but required”-status are also filled
When saving projects, user preferences are now stored correctly
4.0.12 (April 2009)
Major modifications:
If calculation is attempted with material non-linear option set and no redistribution, an error message is given.
Minor modifications:
If project option is set to material non-linear, redistribution option is now also set.
If in table WALL abs. and rel. tolerances are not entered correctly a non-descriptive error was given, clarified.
Ovalisation maximised to 15% during calculation of the ground support spring constants.
Improved iteration during material non-linear calculations in DF6.2.
If iteration can not finish in DF6.2, no data is generated if ovalisation data deviate too much from DF6.1 data.
Bugs fixed:
With table WALL, a check for resulting wall thickness < 1/2 nominal wall thickness has been added
Corrected material factor from 1/0.91 to 1.1
Changed calculation of load/force inequality in DF6.2 to that in DF5
Minimum number of iterations increased in DF6.2 before iteration parameters are changed
4.0.11 (February 2009)
Major modifications:
ASME B31.8 analysis type has been updated to the latest version of the norm.
correct spring constants now used throughout the iteration loops in DF5 and DF6 while using the Flexible-module.
Minor modifications:
Showing PLE-micro-CAD style ShortNames now independent of using PLE-micro-CAD keyboard shortcuts.
Expanded checking of project databases on opening.
When quitting the program, copying back the original data is now done correctly.
Updated implosion calculation: check for excessive wall thickness changed.
Updated implosion calculation: iteration limit increased to 1000.
Enhanced checking for axial buckling.
Non-redistributed ovalisation temporary limited to 15% while recalculating spring constants.
Bugs fixed:
Corrected bug where dropdown-list items were not shown correctly with output tables
Fixed 1st drawing of pipeline so it is no longer distorted
Changed unclear “bounding box”-text
Double-clicking on a scrollbar of a DF’s list of tables no longer opens selected tables
Double-clicking on a partially visible row of a DF’s list of tables now correctly opens that table
With ‘Windows’-keyboard layout, exiting the program now is Alt-F4
Updated workspace to not adding a data table if the previous version still exists
Corrected order-of-magnitude bar graph appearances as maximum value was ‘no bar’
Expanded checking on which (older) project database versions are acceptable
Flexible project option only possible with General or NEN analysis
State of ‘leave temp. files’-option now correctly stored
Temperature-dependent yield stresses now used if pipeline temperature is set
Table status generation for DEFORM table corrected
If a single “weak” element is calculated in DF6.2, a warning is now given
Corrected calculation of ovalisation while using the Flexible-module
4.0.10 (December 2008)
Major modifications:
A reference value now can be shown with each graph in SingleGraph or MultiGraph displays.
Minor modifications:
Added tool in main toolbar to access hardware key’s help file from within Ple4Win.
Added check on opening secondary database to warn if it was not correctly closed.
Expanded graphs legends: table name is now printed as well.
Added warning icons to DF1 to alert user that a project has been calculated with more modules than currently available.
Added black colour to list of available colours in MultiGraph setup.
Updated auto sizing of table columns for printing to make optimum use of limited paper width.
The indicator-columns S-IND in tables NENSMAX and NENSTRS now show images instead of *’s.
Program now can open *.bk?-files directly, no need to rename to *.rk? any more.
Added option in advanced setup to suppress generation of backup-files.
Text on non-active tabs in the workspace is no longer greyed-out (to prevent disabled-look).
Changed scaling routines so that zoomed-in graphs can correctly be imported into MS Word despite its WMF import bug.
Check Secondary database’s status to avoid loading out-of-date table data from that database.
If data/curves from a secondary database table can not be loaded, an explanation on why not is now given.
Yield-stress now changes if a temperature load is applied.
Improved check on axial buckling.
With Project324, source- and target-text boxes now retain previous text is open-action is cancelled.
With Project324, if a filename is already known, it is shown as per-selected name in an open-action.
With Project324, if not all tables could be converted, a “partial success”-message is now given.
With Project324, after success/partial success/failure of a conversion more information is given.
With Project324, tables that could not be converted now have the “Missing Data”-status.
Bugs fixed:
More than approx. 3000 nodes do no longer crash the calculation of DF6.2
Recalculation of a DF after showing a MultiGraph failed, corrected
Corrected printing routines so that printing to a non-default printer no longer leads to a PCL XL error
Now copies project’s phase, parent, description & name correctly from secondary database
Corrected import from project options from a secondary database if DF1 is locked
Fixed bug in export of multiple graphs to clipboard, linked y-axes are drawn correctly now
Graphs legends: with linked axes, all graph names are now printed
Fixed DF1 so that project options are correctly disabled if corresponding module is not available
Updated hardware key initialization because of strange activation time behaviour
Loading predefined panels layout: panes are now always un-floated
Fixed MultiGraph setup to correctly show axes short- and longnames
Updated table printing routines to remove ” (2)”-like endings from the header
Updated printing of graphs legends to show left-to-right and/or top-to-bottom texts if necessary
Fixed printing of graphs legends so that multiple lines are now possible
Corrected error in printing of MultiGraphs so that everything stays within available paper/image width
Fixed bug where a second instance of Ple4Win.exe would delete work-files of the first instance
Corrected OVERSTRE-text in indicator-columns S-IND in tables NENSMAX and NENSTRS
Adjusted behaviour of Work- & Setback-icons of DF1 to that of other DF’s
Work- & Setback-icons of DF1: do not enable unnecessary if project exists
Opening a file in DF1 no longer animates the DF1 roadmap icon
Saving changes in toolbar-style
Changed panel naming in Workspace to start without ” (2)”-like endings again if all panels have been closed
Fixed graph’s drawing routine for all types of graphs to prevent graph-through-axes drawing
Changed updating project files to allow non-English OS
Saving changes in “Leave Temporary Files”-setting
Updated data table grid behaviour to delete rows if only cells have been selected
Added check for minimum required secondary database version
Now data in SingleGraph’s y-axis entry fields is cleared if the curve number is changed
Drawing x-axis: don’t draw ticks if graph has no data
Drawing graphs: don’t draw curve or show OneValue/Zero-icon if graph has no data
Updated copy-to-clipboard so that graph area is no longer clipped
Removed bug where y-axis top tick text runs through y-axis dimension text
Changed copy-to-clipboard & SGraph print to not generate empty space if there is no plot title
Copy-to-clipboard & SGraph print: leftmost digit of leftmost y-axis is no longer clipped
Corrected position/size of legends in SGraph print
Fixed error in loading MGraph data which resulted in data of linked y-axes not being disabled
Changed implementation of main toolbar’s ‘Print…’-button to actually print if possible
Saving MultiGraph data: all rows are now saved correctly
Saving of general MultiGraph data corrected in case panel is left while editing texts
If a primary database (output) table is empty, adding a MultiGraph curve from the secondary database no longer fails
Status-table: NEN norm option (check stresses) now shown correctly
Adjusted sizing of NEN option box’s dropdown part to prevent text clipping in list
Now correctly loads node/element position during MultiGraph plot if showing data from a secondary database
Updated handling of Warning-table statusbar icon & tooltip
Corrected plotting of “boxed” curves in MultiGraph plots
It is now possible to plot a MultiGraph set with secondary database curves where the primary database is empty
Corrected plotting of “boxed” curves so that vertical lines are correctly drawn to 0-axis of area boundaries
Testing an input-table with incorrect columns layout doesn’t crash the program any more
Message line no longer states a too low number of nodes if using supports
Soil’s kappa changed with empirical data
Corrected soil kappa in bends
Added recovery routine for “corrupted core”-error
Check value of ovalisation now is largest value overall
With implosion calculations, check for excessive wall thickness changed to Du*0.25
Limited nr. of iterations to 1000 with implosion calculations
Added check for valid left-side element with supports
Improved routine which supplies the Warning-table status & content
Prevented listing of output data if design function has been setback
Corrected algorithm to determine which output table has (valid) data
With Project324, converting PLE3 databases without updating the *.RST-file now works
With Project324, starting the conversion with a non-existing filename no longer crashes the program
With Project324, updating a legacy version resulted in an “unknown error code”-bug warning, corrected
With Project324, hardened table test-routines to better handle illegal column count
With Project324, fixed bug where cancelling an open-action resulted in disabling the “Go”-button
With Project324, design functions where not all tables could be converted now have the correct “Data”-status, not “All Data”
With Project324, corrected/expanded error message if a table can not be converted
4.0.9 (September 2008)
Major modifications:
The utility program Project324 can now handle PLE3 databases that are not up-to-date (have a version prior to 3.10).
Rewritten print routines, page setup is now implemented correctly.
Minor modifications:
Illegal/not useful combination of selected axes in PipeDraw are now automatically changed to a “logical” one.
Graphs now show an “All Zero” and/or “One Value” indicator if a zero/flat graph is drawn.
Quit (without save) is now possible.
Tooltips added to pipeline drawing pane and polar graph pane.
During printing, if a table header text is too long, it does not overwrite other header text any more.
Bugs fixed:
Prevent closing of already closing application (double-click on form’s “X”).
Corrected warning messagebox’s caption.
When resetting to default screen layout, reset maximized and/or minimized panes as well.
Disabled Open Sec.Db.-, Save- & Save As-tools while no project is loaded.
Improved handling of non-existing tables in the secondary database.
Corrected conversion from internal value to visible texts while importing from Excel.
Corrected check for empty table while upgrading from older version.
After changing the project norm, recalculate function statuses [bug 19].
If a project model option is changed by the program during processing, that change now is shown/saved.
X-axes unit/description is no longer written through x-axes tick texts.
Corrected x-axis scaling error to avoid crossed-out x-axis.
Overflow error on x-axes due to missing y-values corrected.
Y-axes texts orientation changed to same as on screen.
With MultiGraphs, handle sec.db.-data correctly if it has empty values.
Linked y-axes in MultiGraphPrint now are printed correctly.
Erratic zoom when clicking on MultiGraph curve area removed.
Empty fields in MultiGraph setup pane were not correctly saved.
After showing a MultiGraph with data from a sec.db., reset program to primary db.
Disable water- and ground-checkbox in initial view of PipeDraw.
With pipeline drawing, disabled bend indicators and polygon points if x-axis is “AX-LP”.
Do not show the grey/white background of the pipeline drawing on paper.
Can’t jump any more if no rows in grid.
Empty locked tables don’t change status any more if viewed.
After row insert in table, active row no longer switches to last row.
Default values are now also inserted in (empty) cells which is currently edited.
4.0.8 (March 2008)
Major modifications:
Export of graphs (SingleGraph, PolarGraph, MultiGraph and PipelinePlot) to clipboard or file (WMF/PNG) added.
Multi-table selection panel now shows “special tables” (Warnings, Status, History) as well.
Printing multiple tables now either continuous or each table on a new page.
Minor modifications:
Start-up / About window now shows user’s licence and available modules.
Status table now shows user’s licence as well.
Right-clicking on a print button (SingleGraph, PolarGraph, MultiGraph and PipelinePlot) allows print-to-file.
Design Function 1: Project name now can be up to 255 characters long.
Design Functions 5 & 6.2: Setback through Roadmap is possible if processing returned error(s).
Bugs fixed:
Hardware key warning bug (after 2 hours sometimes more than one key is found) solved.
Hardware key errors during Design Function processing now correctly reported.
Print page orientation and margins now correctly used.
Fixed database writing errors after importing data into a table with empty rows at the end.
Message line(s) are correctly cleared now after project closes.
Tooltip of cells in tables often showed “Error information not available” even if there was no error, corrected.
Design Function 1: Project description now can be cleared completely after it has been filled.
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