
Modules Structure

The structure of Ple4Win is of a modular nature with basic modules to perform basic flexibility and stress/strain analysis and special modules to accommodate special applications. Various “Code checking” modules are available to directly adhere to specific code requirements. Hence, Ple4Win user can tailor the (functionality of the) program to fit their actually need, reducing costs and complexity in the process. However, the main model is kept as free from code based ad hoc requirements as possible.

As a result, with the ongoing development of Ple4Win in the wake of new Pipeline Codes becoming available and new construction and installation methods developed, new modules are added in time to include further advanced functionality. Especially the fit-for-purpose analysis on existing pipelines is a first order technical challenge.

Module Structure


The modular structure consists of 8 blocks of modules:

  • Basic modules, necessary to calculate relatively non-complex pipeline structures (green pipes)
  • Non-linear modules, necessary to perform calculations using a more sophisticated methodology (blue pipes)
  • Soil related modules to perform calculations with extra soil limiting conditions (brown pipes)
  • Offshore modules to perform calculations of pipelines on the sea bottom or riser tie ins (purple pipes)
  • Check modules to shape the results according to the various code requirements (gold pipes)
  • Interface modules to perform import (pipeline) data from files created by various pipeline design programs (pink pipes)
  • Connection modules to model pipeline connections, such as tees, joints and SiS or PiP (orange pipes)
  • Miscellaneous modules: Phasing and Table supports (grey pipes)